Topband: Topband:Shunt Fed Help
Wed, 10 Oct 2001 17:34:40 EDT

I had a LM-470D with a 4 element DX Engineering Yagi at 70 ft. and a 2 el M2
40 meter beam at 80 feet.  I shunt fed my tower with approx. 24ft. of #10
wire spaced about 24".  I could not be extremely accurate as I had to locate
the tap at the top of one of the sections so I could crank the tower down. 
In series I used a 1000pf wide spaced capacitor.  I found ON4UN's formula in
his "Low Band DXing Handbook" to be an excellent starting point.  John,
ON4UN, was also nice enough to discuss the matter with me on 75mtrs. to give
me the dimensions.
My lot is only 75ft wide by 120ft. deep with the antenna located 10feet from
my 2 1/2 story aluminum sided house.  If you think it didn't work, you are
wrong.  It was a real winner with only 6 shortened radials.
I could work anything I could hear and inidividuals would compliment me on my
great sigs.
Don't go nuts on the theory, otherwise I would have never fell in love with
Good Luck,
Oakland, MD