Topband: Western Australia is a BIG place
Steve Ireland
Sat, 13 Oct 2001 19:16:28 +0800
G'day Tom and the gang
A few facts about mainland Australia. It covers an area of of some
7,614,500 square kms and is about equal in size to the USA (excluding
Alaska), almost twice the combined areas of India and Pakistan and 30 times
the area of the UK.
Now, Western Australia takes almost one third of the area of the total
Australian continent, totalling 2,525,500 square km. Texas is a mere
678,620 square km
Bigger than Texas? Yes, siree - by 3.72 times!
Mind you, there is a restuarant somewhere in Dallas that sells a steak
called a 'bullshipper', which is almost half a cow. Our steaks are smaller.
Vy 73,
Steve, VK6VZ
At 08:20 PM 12/10/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>> Western Australia is a VERY big place.
>Bigger than Texas?
>73, Tom W8JI