Wed, 17 Oct 2001 07:41:16 -0400
Would anyone having an issue of October 1989 Ham Radio be able to scan
for me the parts layout for KD9SV's excellent 160M variable-gain
preamp? My magazine has disappeared, though I have a copy of the
article, but the parts location on page 48 is unreadable. I got hit by
lightning and suffered some damage to both transceiver and preamps even
though the receive antenna system was disconnected and grounded at the
time! Go figure!
By the way, these preamps appear to work very well on my short Beverages
and one ewe antenna. Though I have no way of measuring the effect,
cranking in just a little bit of gain usually brings up the signal
sufficiently to hear some weaker stations but does not appear to
increase the noise at the same rate. I had one variable gain preamp
using an IC which increased both at about the same rate and may have
actually degraded the signal on very low gain settings!
Bill, VE3NH