Topband: W3LPL 160M in CQWW Phone
by way of Bill Tippett <>
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 22:03:52 +0100
WA4TT wrote:
.... starting this fall I'll be keeping 2 lists. List Nr 1 will be of the
stateside stations who work ssb below '43 and Nr 2 will be the stations
that stay above '43.
>From now on my contest weekends will be spent dodging list 1 and searching
for list 2 stations to give them as many points as possible--- in every
contest that a stateside QSO counts and on as many bands as possible.
73, es be a Gentleman on 160 --- es receive a few meager pts from me on the
other bands throughout the year.
John WA4TT
You can be sure that you will see W3LPL on your 160 Meter 'List 2'
for USA stations working above 1843 KHz in the upcoming CQWW Phone
DX Contest. Dick (AI3M) and I (K1HTV), the 160M ops at W3LPL for
many years, have already discussed our Top Band strategy for this contest.
W3LPL has consistently been at or near the top of the list for 160 Meter
countries worked in CQ and ARRL DX contests. It will be interesting to
see if this new bandplan issue changes things. We hope that the rest
of the competition will also honor the gentlemen's agreement, but that
won't change our strategy.
This plan to operate on a higher frequency in the band during a contest
parallels what we've done on 6 Meters at Multi-Multi K8GP in VHF contests.
After many years of operating on the 50.125 MHz calling frequency, we made
the decision to operate at a frequency higher in the band. Many said that
Q's and the number of sections would drop. They didn't. I believe that
the same thing will occur on 160 Meters...but we won't know until after
the contest. So let the fun begin. Look for W3LPL above 1843, listening
on our frequency as well as on announced split frequencies.
73 de Rich - K1HTV