Topband: 1/4wl Vertical antenna status
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:46:59 -0400

     Well, all 115 feet of the base insulated Rohn 25 tower is up with guys at the 30,60 and 90 foot levels.Each guy has 24 inches of grip before the ceramic insulator is inserted. First measurements were taken with 4 radials of insulated 14 gauge wire laying on the ground. Resonant point was at 1700 with 1:1 SWR and an R=52 ohms, Next measurment was with 7 radials. F of R still 1700, swr 1.8:1, r=45 ohms, Next measurement was with 13 radials. SWR at F of R (1700)
2.5:1 , R=35 ohms. I inserted a vacuum variable 100-500pf and ran out of capacitance so I am in search of a HV Doorknob to place in parallel with my vacuum variable to try to get the F of R to 1840.
I plan on adding 11 more radials for a total of 24 radials and then tune. Does this sound par for the course so far? Ken, N4UK