Topband: Sept. 11 So. Amer. SSB Q's

Tue, 11 Sep 2001 23:34:23 -0400 (EDT)

After a weekend of operating 6M with the Grid Pirates (K8GP) on 
Spruce Knob, WV in the ARRL VHF Contest I arrived home tired, but
not too tired to set up the TS850 again on the Top Band.  I has
rewarded with SSB QSOs with PY3CEJ at 0231Z and CX7OV at 0245Z,
 both while running the normal 100W to the shunt fed tower.
Local QRN was S9 and was also high in So. America according to
Al and Ton, so the path was really enhanced for these QSOs. Both
of the stations worked well up to the north into Maine & Michigan
after working me. Also heard 9A2AJ on CW. The solar flux was near
245 which proves that there are still good Top Band days even near
the top of the solar cycle. It will be interesting to see what the
next 6 months will bring in the way of 160 Meter DX. I'm ready
for K3J on Johnston Island, but hear that there may be a day or 2
delay in their starting the operation.

73 de Rich - K1HTV