Topband: Skewed paths

Tom Rauch
Sat, 15 Sep 2001 05:53:30 -0400

> Perhaps that's because  there is relatively less difference between
> the length of the two paths in that instance.  At the antipodes all
> paths are the same.  Maybe the signal enhancement that occurs is not
> just focusing, but, also the possibility that some paths have less
> absorption.

Skew paths are actually fairly common, and don't seem to be tied 
to anything unusual going on if the path is long.

Skewing even happens quite often on fairly short paths if they are 
obstructed. For example, LA3XI is often S-8 to S-9 plus here during 
summer when I point straight into the darkness, and he reports a 
similar path for him...straight into darkness.

It just happens to be east for me, and south for him.

So I think you are on to something Stan (and Thomas). It seems 
as you point out signals simply come from the direction of least 

73, Tom W8JI