Topband: Lightning Protection

KN4LF, Thomas Giella
Mon, 17 Sep 2001 02:03:00 +0100

Tom W8JI Said: Water pipes are next to useless for lightning protection
although they do make excellent safety grounds. It takes a large
mat with multiple grounds to establish a really good lightning

Thomas KN4LF Says: I agree.

Tom W8JI Said: There are also gimmicks like whiskers that do nothing to
strikes, unless mounted on airplanes that are flying through storms.

Thomas KN4LF Says: If you are implying that the spline ball/porcupine/bottle
brush is a gimmick that doesn't work you are very wrong.

Tom W8 JI Said: The best procedure is to ground the feedline to the building
system at the point where the feedline enters the building, and
disconnect it at that point where it comes into the house when not
using it..........

Thomas KN4LF Says: In 9V1PC Peter's QTH situation I agree.

Tom W8JI Said: It appears your best defense is to ground the feedline to the
building ground OUTSIDE the building, and disconnect it before it
enters the building if possible.

Thomas KN4LF Says: I agree again and should have been more specific in my
earlier post but was pressed for time as I had to go to work this morning.
You could never get a low resistance DC ground through inside water pipes
but if you can somehow tie in to the building lightning ground system you
should be okay but once again nothing is foolproof with lightning.

Thomas Giella, KN4LF