Topband: screen type ground systems

Fri, 21 Sep 2001 19:49:26 -0600

Whilst rummaging thru some stuff, I found an article by Rob Sherwood...It
was a test of
ground screens...I guess they weren't really screens but chicken wire in
various configurations.
It was May 77 Ham radio...Does any one have any comments or experiences with
things like that..
The ones he was using were 2' wide chicken wire in various configurations,
the longest runs
at 45 feet and various lengths and layouts  from the antenna... They seemed
to be more efficient than runs of radials that would used for very short
ground systems such as would be used in a small city lot situation. I think
he did them when he was at KOA, here in Denver..
  I have  been trying to model a ground system like that.. but it is kind of
hard using nec 2 with no screen capabilities..

Bud   W0HG