Topband: Conway Reef

Garry Shapiro
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 17:32:05 +0100

I'd like to amplify Will's comments.

With the generous help of Kimo, KH7U, we were able to provide the K3J operation
with a big Titanex vertical. That team returned to Honolulu only four or five
days ago. Despite the tight time constraints, we offered the antenna to Hrane,
YT1AD for Conway Reef, and Hrane accepted.

Unfortunately, given the small time window, exacerbated by restrictions in light
of the recent catastrophe in NY and Washington, we cannot get the antenna to
Fiji in time by normal means, and none of the Conway team is travelling via
Honolulu. Were we able to  get the antenna to Los Angeles, the team could bring
it along.

The only remaining possibility---if there is no one in Honolulu willing to bring
it to LA in the next day or two as personal baggage---is for someone in the
Southern California lowband community to provide a substitute 160m antenna
before Friday evening, when the team flies to Fiji.

In 1995, our Conway team made only 200 topband QSO's, primarily due to the loss
of a third of our gear in the sea. A more recent expedition made some Q's, I
believe, but not all that many. Hrane's first effort had no lowband operation. I
have to think that many topbanders would like a shot at Conway this time around,
and Will, K6NDV, is a competent and experienced operator. They need an effective

I appear to have struck out. Anybody else willing to step up to the plate and
take a swing?

Garry, NI6T