Topband: Virtuallly daily operation by PY3CEJ

py2cw160 "Mac"
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 04:31:36 +0100

Hi folks

    FYI, PY3CEJ is calling almost daily @ 1845, from 23Z til 03+Z SSB =
(*). I have been spotting his station and looking for spots so we would =
like to receive any info concerning dx reception of this signals. I am =
also comparing band activity versus space weather, so information of =
South America signals are welcome. About my station, i planned to have =
better wkg condx by early November
( Rotor flag and Kw ). In the meantime listening and learning.

                                            73 to all, Mac

(*) 400 W out / quarter wave vertical / good ground plane / quarter wave =
vertical insulated underground =20

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