Topband: Electric Fence QRM

James Wolf
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 23:05:19 -0500


I deal with electric fence problems a lot as I have about 4 horse farms
within 1/4 mile.
The only electric fences that I have run across are pulsed at approx 1
pulse per second.
The usual problems are weeds getting into the hot wire, and poor
installation techniques.
I have one that is 60 ft from my shunt fed tower and I do not hear it if
it is working ok.

If it is a buzz as you describe, then you might be on the wrong track.
But to answer your question, I can hear a 1/4 inch arc from a fence at
least 1/2 mile when listening on the shunt fed tower. If the fence setup
is just right, I would be willing to bet you could hear it much further.

Jim, KR9U

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Pete
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 4:54 PM
Subject: Topband: Electric Fence QRM

Anyone have any idea how far an Electric Fence buzz can travel.Appears
to be coming from the NE but I have driven around ib abt a 5 mile loop
and cannot get a fix on it.Tnx, Pete,NO2R

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