Topband: shunt fed short tower
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 08:13:33 -0800

Lane, KU7I wrote:

"I have a 33 foot US Tower. It is 33 ft when fully extended. I am in the
process of installing a Lightning Bolt 4 element quad at the top. The
boom will be 35 ft above ground and it 24 ft long.

Is this a possible candidate for a 'short' shunt fed 160 mtr ant?"
Yes, it is, but you'll have to use an "omega" match system because the
tower is too short for a "gamma" match.

"Will the 24  foot 3 inch boom offer much capacitive loading?"
Yes, it will give some top loading.  Even the driven elements of the quad
will add to the top loading if their feedlines are routed down the tower
to the ground.  However, you will still have to omega match the tower.

"... how far up the tower do I tap the shunt???"
Tap onto the top of the tower and use an omega match system.

73, de Earl, K6SE