Topband: possible key click solution?
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 08:41:00 EST

Tom R wrote:
Because unless there are penalties for things like spurious=20
emissions or operating in the Window it will always continue.=A0=20

Me: My answer to the Intercontinental window issue was to not work NA=20
stations calling CQ there. And as far as key clicks go, perhaps it's time to=
take out the Wouff Hong or maybe even the....the.... dreaded Rettysnitch! Bu=
seriously, the FT1000MP problem looks like something a voluntary recall can=20
take care of. Free shipping both ways and all of that. This situation can be=
made win-win.

Does anyone with authority on this subject feel like talking to Yaesu?=20

BTW, KA7T lives a quarter mile from me and he worked the contest (running a=20
full gallon?). He pinned my S-meter but as long as I stayed 15 kHz away (the=
roofing filter?), and switched in the attenuator, my TS-570SG did all right.=
I hope that with me running 5 watts I didn't bother him too much. I haven't=20
decided yet whether to plague everyone with my QRP signal or to run 100 watt=
in the Stew Perry. I think it's great that this year they give extra points=20
for WORKING a QRP station.

    Dave WX7G

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