Topband: possible key click solution?

Tue, 10 Dec 2002 08:12:02 -0800

>Tom R wrote:
>Because unless there are penalties for things like spurious 
>emissions or operating in the Window it will always continue.  
>Me: My answer to the Intercontinental window issue was to not work NA 
>stations calling CQ there. And as far as key clicks go, perhaps it's time to 
>take out the Wouff Hong or maybe even the....the.... dreaded Rettysnitch! 
>seriously, the FT1000MP problem looks like something a voluntary recall can 
>take care of. Free shipping both ways and all of that. This situation can be 
>made win-win.

**  in my experiences, a cw rise-time and/or fall-time of under 2mS will 
produce key-klicks.  There are R-C wave shaping components in a radio's 
keying circuitry that can be changed to adjust rise and fall times.

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734,