Topband: K9AY Loop Revisited
Greg Deuhs
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 17:26:00 -0600
Hello All:
I broke down and ordered a K9AY loop kit from Array Solutions today. I know
there has been some discussion lately on receiving antennas,
but I'm looking for any helpful tips. I did order the fiberglass mast, so
the metal mast ? is solved.
1. Can I use high quality RG-58? The coax run will be about 150 feet. My
gut feel is yes (low loss at 1.8/3.5 mHz), but does it lack the proper
shielding for anti-noise pick-up?
2. What's preferred, being all things somewhat equal. Mounting the antenna
40+ feet from an overhead powerline (house drop -- 22 foot high mast +
safety factor) or mounting farther away from the power line, but closer to
my Hy-tower? (I run 150 watts).
3. What's the final verdict on the RX antenna jack on the FT-1000MP MK5? Is
it safe to use or is a separate switch box needed?
4. What type of ground does the K9AY loop need? The installation manual
says 4 or more 10 foot ground radials will help, other K9AY loop articles
I've read says ground loss is part of why the antenna works.
Any help appreciated. BTW, something must be working here, I worked my
first VK on topband two weeks ago using my Hy-tower with the MK-160 inverted
L adaptor.