Topband: Plea for antenna help from East Anglian 160m Ops
Sat, 21 Dec 2002 15:23:04 EST
Hello to all the regulars form a new boy on the band,
I really need some advice regarding my first proper 160m antenna -
I have been using a badly matched random long wire on 160m over the past few
months to get a feel for the band - with pretty limited success and probably
too much RFI/TVI (I think my neighbours are to polite to mention my odd radio
The Topband bug has got me and I think its about time I constructed my
first Inverted L. I have a long garden with a couple of convenient trees at
the far end suitable for supporting first 30 to 40 feet of the vertical
portion of the inverted L. Radials might be a problem, the garden is very
narrow and I can only run a couple or radials parallel to the horizontal part
of the antenna running back to the house to be secures on the chimney stack
(My XYL does not know that as yet). Obviously the coax feed to the base of
the inverted L will have to be quite a long one.
I have read lots of info on 160m antennas, the most inspirational
article I've come across was from a few years back in the CDXC Digest by an
Op who recounted his first experiences on the band, I've also devoured K1ZM
DX On the Edge and dipped into Low Band Dxing - BUT!!! I would really
appreciate meeting operators and inspecting antennas in-situ in order that I
can gain some sound practical advice.
If you think you can help, please drop me an e-mail, I'm located in
Suffolk but I will be happy to visit anyone in East Anglia who can help.
Please help put a new boy on the Band
73 for now
de Peter G4PUQ
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