Topband: Propagation Software For Topband?

IT9ZGY - Pietro Marino
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 09:49:05 +0100

At 17.33 23/12/02 -0500, Jeff Maass wrote:

>Are any of the many available propagation software packages
>of any use in predicting or tracking 160 meter conditions?
>  Jeff Maass     Located near Columbus Ohio

Hello Jeff:
the properties of propagation on 160 meter have attracted for years the 
attention of the Topband fans. The 160 meter band is close to the so-called 
electron gyro frequency, which is related in a complicated fashion to how 
electrons spiral down the Earth's magnetic field lines.
Most software packages for HF propagation prediction do not reach below the 
80 meter band because they don't take into account the gyro frequency.
In my pursuit of correlation between solar flux, sunspots, and A and K 
indices of geomagnetic activity, I could not improve on the result of 
others Radio Amateur and professional scientists.
For more informations you can read:
Propagation Broadcast and Forecast Demystified  - QST Nov. 1991 - autor: NJ2L
The Thrill of 160 Meters - DXing on the Edge - Newington: ARRL 1998 - 
autor: K1ZM
An Enigma  Shrouded in Mistery -  CQ Magazine Mar/Apr 1998 - autors: C. 
OLDER - T. Cohen N4XX
Antenna Book Compendium Vol. 7 - ARRL 2002

Good reading and now I wish everybody " MERRY XMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR "

Peter - IT9ZGY

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