Topband: Re: Topband digest, Vol 1 #497 - 16 msgs

George & Marijke Guerin
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 18:09:21 -0500

Dear Topbanders,
     I agree with Jeff's comments.  There are times I can hear best on a
Cushcraft WARC dipole model D3W, broadside to the weak signal, although a
beverage is usually better.  It is tricky switching the antenna switch, but
my 160 & WARC positions are next to each other on purpose.  The WARC dipole
is at 79 feet/24 meters above ground
     I have never had much luck trying to listen on a tribander.  I use a
KT34XA at 71 feet/21+ meters up.
     Good Luck & Happy New Year to All
George    K8GG