Topband: 160 Maps

Ford Peterson
Sat, 12 Jan 2002 13:33:22 -0600

Guy-K2AV just had a post on the CQ-Contest reflector that tweaked my
interest.  It related to his support to no longer publishing QST scores in
detail and that it could be "the best thing that ever happened to us

"We will be able to publish COMPLETE scores on the internet. Maybe the
composite logs, for a price, on CDROM. Those of us with statistical
packages on our PC's would love to see what could be gleaned from

Wow!  Wouldn't it be nifty to have mapping software take the 160 contest
scores and place them on a map?  I'd love to see the scatter diagram with
all the focus of activity and "dead spots."

This thread has run before but it peaked my interest.  Anybody know if the
whole data set of log is available for the ARRL 160 contest?  Other
contests?  I'd love to take a look-see.
