Topband: FT-1000MP Key Clicks

Barry N1EU
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 23:45:26 -0500

I applaud the click-reducing efforts (thanks Tom & others) and hope to apply 
the mods to my Yaesu boxes.

I just wanted to make a quick anecdotal remark that in comparing my own 
FT1000D and late MP (9HXXX serial), the 1000D seems to be a far worse 

Okay, now back to the excellent opening we're having (0430Z) into europe . . 

Barry  N1EU

>From: "Tom Rauch" <>
>To:, Pete Smith <>
>Subject: Re: Topband: FT-1000MP Key Clicks
>Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 21:02:55 -0500
> > Interesting.  I just did the same test using my TS-930 with 400 Hz
> > filter and my unmodified Mark 5.  At 500 Hz from the carrier
> > frequency, clicks were down to below S3 from 59 +20.  Acknowledging up
> > front the apples-and-oranges nature of the two test setups, this seems
> > to suggest that the stock Mark 5 may not be as bad, click-wise -- in
> > fact, that it is in the same ballpark as a modified MP.  Does this
> > track with others' (hopefully better) data?
>Hi Pete,
>According to my notes, I've received a total 23 e-mails from MKV
>owners asking for a click mod (prior to this topic coming up). Three
>MK V owners said others constantly complain about their signals.
>One owner has stopped using his rig on CW. The people with the
>most complaints seem to have the strongest signals, and live in
>the most congested areas.

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