Mr. Magoo
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 09:28:46 -0500

Ever consider for Beverage antenna supports the 2"
permanently-installed vacuum cleaner line available at Home Depot
and others?  It is grey poly-something, a perfect fit over "T" fence
posts, comes in 10 ft lengths and is inexpensive (about $3 a
length).  I just installed another antenna and six of these do a
great job on an 880 ft Beverage strung with #17 electric fence wire.
I notch the top about 1" deep and let the wire sit in the notch. 
Brad, N9EN you might consider this material for your new antenna run
above a wire fence.

Why am I putting up antennas in the middle of January (apart from
the fact that the 160M contest is this Friday)?  I dunno...aren't
all hams crazy??

Bill, VE3CSK