Topband: ET3PMW

Bill Hohnstein KØHA
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 23:59:04 -0500

I spaced off listening for ET3PMW on 160M until 8 days ago.
The static level here has always made copy tough (my receive antennas
are down for the summer with corn planted taking their place).  While
conditions haven't been identical each day, a pattern has developed.
With the current close proximity of my sunset vs. his sunrise I found it 
interesting to compare times of reception for a typical day to those times.  
The sunrise/sunset times, as well as those for the beginning/ending of 
twilight were calculated via a U.S. Naval Observatory web site.  I'm not 
sure what defines the point twilight officially begins/ends, I just know that 
the effects of the sun can still be seen after 0300z at my rural location 
(vs. an "official" ending of twilight at 0238z).  The following shows a
typical day's reception:

*0205 Nebraska Sunset
  0223 ET3PMW First Copied
  0238 ET3PMW Copy Ends
*0238 Nebraska Twilight Ends
  0240 - 0250 ET3PMW Never Copied
*0246 Addis Ababa Twilight Begins
  0253 ET3PMW Copy Begins
  0259 ET3PMW Copy Ends
*0309 Addis Ababa Sunrise

The only way that this pattern was ever broken was that on 
about half of the days only the early period of copy would
occur (I'd hear nothing after 0240z).

73,  Bill     K0HA