Topband: Rules Pacific 160 Metre Contest
Ron Tremayne VK3IO
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 00:39:04 +1000
Hello topbanders. After seeing comments on the zero points allocation =
for VK/ZL qso's with DX stations and only having multipier value, I =
re-read the rules and I thought something must be missing. I could not =
quite remember the scoring the last time I did this contest 3 years ago, =
so I emailed the Contest Manager and expressed my and the reflectors =
concerns, plus some other issues and he wishes for all interested to =
send him suggestions. He sent me this:
"Please let it be known that I shall be most happy to have any =
suggestions for improving any aspect of the rules for next year.
Four things have occurred to me immediately --=20
1. points for DX contacts,
2. should there be a system for varying points for distances?
3. should there be a repeat working rule, say every hour to keep things =
4. should we take into account the sunset times in various parts of =
His name is Ian Godsil, VK3VP, email to:
I would imagine he would be happy to hear your suggestions about any VK =
Till next time Ron vk3io
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