Topband: I am getting ready to re-enter 160Mtrs and want a little advice
Dick and Adele Bingham
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:42:10 -0700
Hello everyone
This is W7WKR in grid square CN98 (Stehekin, WA) and my name is Dick. =
Six Meters and 160 Meters are my favorite bands. I recently installed a =
"Tee" antenna with four elevated radials. The ground conductivity is =
really poor due to the sand, gravel, glacial-flour and rocks that make =
up the local landscape. I live in a narrow (~1 mile wide) NW/SE running =
valley with 7000 foot ridges rising above the valley floor. Other than =
QRN this place is QUIET.
The Tee has a 100 foot top section with an 80 foot vert section fed =
about 10 feet above ground. The 4 radials are about 125 feet long and =
stretch through vine maples and low fir branches. If needs be such, I =
can install long Beverage antennae to provide directional reception.
It has been about 30 years since I was active on 160 from my then =
additional station N6HZ in Northern CA. LORAN is gone and the various =
operating windows have changed. I would appreciate receiving some =
advice/observations on how well the Tee antenna I described above might =
perform along with general operating procedures such as "don't call CQ =
here", listen for DX here and listen there, etc. The band seems quite =
inactive at present and it is hard to determine what operators are doing =
under these conditions! I would like to return to 160 w/o making too =
many almost-newbie errors that cause friction!
Thank you for any help/advice you send my way! You can reply here or =
send whatever you think is helpful to
73 de Dick
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