Topband: QRP DX
KN4LF, T. F. Giella
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 10:33:51 +0100
Riccardo Asked:
I would appreciate very much if QRP operators would share their experience
about typical DX activity on 160 at QRP level (DXCC, WAC, Europe-US
contacts, contest placement, etc.).
Thomas KN4LF Said:
I've made 160 phone contacts out to 1000 miles using 10 watts and 2000
mile contacts on CW with 5 watts. However due to the uniquely difficult
propagation conditions and high QRN levels both natural and man made on 160,
for all intents and purposes 100 watts IS QRP on 160.
I got WAS and DXCC on 160 in approximately 4 years using a voltage fed tee
antenna and 100 watts on phone and CW but phone DXCC with 10 watts would be
VERY difficult without serious antennas like say a four square vertical
array. You could probably get WAS on 5 watts CW over a very long period of
time, especially from the center of the country, say like Colorado but it's
not going to happen with simple back yard 1/4 acre ville L's or dipoles.
I have been an avid QRPer for 13 years and once belonged to the Colorado
QRP club. I only recently purchased a linear in order to get the next 100
160 DXCC countries.
T. F. Giella, KN4LF