Topband: Beverage Frustrations

Tom Rauch
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 08:27:26 -0400

> With the most-perfect resistive termination, I agree that it seems to
> make no difference whether the resistor is on top or down at the
> ground rods.
> However, when I model Beverages with EZNEC and use a complex
> termination (to produce a perfect null off the backside), I see a
> difference in F/B ratio of around 9 dB with the better case being when
> the resistor is on-top.

We have to be careful looking at very deep nulls with models. We 
often forget they are intentional shortcuts that use approximations 
designed to represent a system far too complex to calculate exactly. 

Because of that, we can "design things" in models that would never 
occur or be noticeable in the real world, just by satisfying the 
model's approximations to achieve a mathematical result. Looking at 
null depth in a large antenna near earth is probably one of the best 
examples, as is earth loss with an antenna close to non-homogeneous 

If moving a resistor and capacitor (that have exactly equal current 
at each terminal) just a few feet in a 600-foot long antenna resistor 
does that much, imagine the large effect of standing next to the 
antenna where things really would change!

73, Tom W8JI