Topband: March 1 - great conditions!

John Kaufmann
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 23:16:17 -0500

This evening (March 1) has to rate as one of the best this season.  Some
highlights:  5H3RK, OD5/OK1MU, and 5B4ADA were all worked and had honest 579
to 599 signals between 0230Z and 0400Z.  Many Europeans were over the S9
mark.  H7DX, TI9M, and PW0T were doing a great business, too.

Let's hope these great conditions hold through this weekend's ARRL DX
contest.  I'll be the 80 meter op at KC1XX.  (Matt himself is at HI3/K1CX
and will be active on all bands, including 160).

73, John W1FV