Topband: Rx Antenna Reality Check? :o)
Dave Henderson
Fri, 01 Mar 2002 14:09:46 +0000
Barry makes a good point that few of the "send your call till the smoke
runs out of your amp" crowd will ever figure out I guess. OD5/OK1MU had an
interesting approach to mining the hearing problem last night . He
regularly announced changes in his QSX freq. Sometimes QSX UP 2 or 3 and
then suddenly announce QSX DOWN 1 or 2. It was interesting to listen and
see which stations consistently were calling (and calling ,and calling ,
and calling) on the wrong
1)If your going work DX on topband guys ..WORK on YOUR RECEIVING ANTENNAS....
2) Old Chinese proverb say: "If man was meant to talk more than he
listened..he would have two mouths and one ear"...the moral less
.... listen more .. we will all get through faster on average. When the DX
sends "ZV ?" and your call ends in "DX"..don't keep calling. It just takes
up more of everybody's time. If there is no ZV and its a was a busted
suffix the DX will figure it out in about 5 seconds and move on with a QRZ,
instead of having to try and sort out ten calls looking for the ZV he
thought he heard.
3) There is a Zen to working DX (on any band) especially when they work
split. Listen and understand the "rhythm" of the station you are trying to
work. Does he slide his QSX up/down after every QSO?, by how much? As in
duck hunting you have to learn to "lead the bird", i.e shoot ahead of him
so he flies into the shot when it gets there. If he is not taking
tail-enders then don't tail end , If he is taking tail-enders, listen and
see what the timing of other successful tail-enders is. sending a tail to
early or too late is useless QRM. Adjust your speed to the speed of the
stations he is working most. Are the guys that are getting through sending
their call, once, twice or three times? In other words you have to spend as
much time listening to who he is working as you do listening to the DX you
are trying to work. Wear out that TF-SET button or get a rig with dual
blah blah blah etc etc
So much for spitting into the wind...we now control return of your monitor
to your regular sponsors....flame suit on 8^)
At 06:41 AM 3/1/02 -0500, Barry N1EU wrote:
>FWIW, I would encourage folks to NOT call the dx, if they aren't confident
>that they can copy the reply. Isn't waiting for the Q5 bump part of
>good/sensible/responsible operating? Seems like this is a rather growing
>problem in Topband dxpedition pileups, exacerbated by the use of dx packet.
>Often many, many stations are calling, few are hearing. Sure can slow
>things down considerably, and crowd out those who actually are hearing all
>the action.
>Barry N1EU