Topband: DX QSOs
Paul DeWitte K9OT
Sat, 2 Mar 2002 08:06:31 -0600
I read with interest the comments from Dave and Bernie about logging/valid
QSOs. I worked the PW0T on 160 and thought he came back to me a couple times
but couldnt be sure because of QSB/QRM from other stations that didnt quit
calling when he came back to someone. I wonder how many times the DX station
comes back to someone and because of QRM the station doesnt hear him come
back to him and some other guy sends a 599 with out sending his own call
along with it and thinks he is in the log when the DX thinks he worked the
guy he went back to and that guy didnt even know the DX came back to him.
Bills how to list applies to any band. I have never figured out how to hear
someone comming back to me while I was transmitting. Maybe those guys have
seperate recievers. Hope this makes sense. Maybe for the continuous senders
without listening crowd they should have a 30 second delay built in to their
keyer before it will send their call again. Sure would help the QRM. By the
way when I did log the PW0T he did confirm my call so I know I am in the
log. Thanks 73 Paul k9ot