Steve Ireland
Sat, 09 Mar 2002 07:02:12 +0800

NX4D said:

>Just read Ten-Tec's writeup on their new Orion transceiver. (tnx W4GD).
>With crystal & dsp IF filtering, adjustable rise/decay key-click control and
>Ten-Tec has always paid
>attention to processor phase noise control & they mention even more
>improvement in this category.
>I presently have a FT1000-mp with 125 hz IF filter and am pretty happy with
>it on 160m.  But prior discussions on this reflector have been pointing out
>the improvements that topbanders need in a rig.............and it looks
>like, just mebbe, one manufacturer is paying attention.

VK6VZ replied:

G'day all,

Glad to hear that Ten Tec seems to be listening.

For another interesting approach, take a look at the Elecraft K2 kit at

This goes back to a single conversion KISS architecture - no DSP whatsoever
- with some fairly remarkable results - see the QST review at the Elecraft

A G3 friend of mine who is a keen 160m operator sat a K2 next to a FT1000MP
Mk V for an evening and did A - B switching on weak 160m CW signals.  His
verdict was the K2 actually produced the more readable signals.

Although the K2 is 10W-output radio, it would easily drive a CB-brick-type
PA to 100W.  For regular QRO types who have a high-gain 1.5KW tetrode valve
amp that produce full output with 35W or so of drive, I'd guess the little
K2 could perhaps push this kind of amp to 400 - 700W out.

Food for thought for the homebrewing topbander?  Maybe sanity is finally
prevailing out there in radiodesigningland! 

Vy 73,

Steve, VK6VZ