Topband: Ducie Island Update

Bill Hellman Bill Hellman" <
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 14:24:05 -0000

The main frequencies for this operation are 21.020 for CW and 21.295 for SSB
twenty-four hours a day. Note, please, that the expedition will have both
fifteen meter frequencies QRV at the same time.

Other frequencies are
14.195 for SSB and 14.020 for CW,
28.495 for SSB

If conditions on the higher bands are poor, they will use 7045 for SSB and
7005 for CW.

The operators will not be QRV on 75/80/160 and on WARC until the last part
of the operation. A frequency for CW on WARC will be announced later.

The starting date will be released when I have their estimated time of
arrival. The call will not be released until the last minute.

WA2MOE (Pilot Station)