Topband: Reactance problem
Bill Gerhold
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:53:07 -0500
To all the respondents of my REACTANCE anomaly, here is
some more information and thanks for the responses.
No changes were made to the antenna from a zero reactance
finding to the current non-zero reactance finding. No
changes at all were made to the antenna, mounting or
radial system except for the single broken radial.
The radials are all on the ground in a forested region
without any foot traffic except for the occasional black bear
and coyote.
As some have suggested, I will look at the attachement point for
the coax cable. It is an 18 gauge wire going from an upside down
SO-239 connector mounted in a hole in the radial ring. The actual
connection is simply a hole drilled in the aluminum with a sheet
metal screw through the wire lead lug and tightened down on the
aluminum lowest section (at the very base). With copious amounts
of silicon rubber to keep it dry, including the SO-239.
As I am writing this I just remembered, I installed a 6 meter dipole
on my roof, but that is about 40 feet from the vertical. Other than
that, that is the only changes/additions to the current shack arrangement.
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