Topband: Number of radials - elevated vs grounded

Tom Rauch
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 05:59:15 -0500

Hi Don,

That was a well thought-out post but I'd like to clarify one thing: 

>  The VHF antenna, many wavelengths above the ground, needs only 3 or
> 4.  It follows that any practical Marconi-type antenna on 160M will

That depends on how you define "enough" and what else you do at 
the feedpoint. With only three or four radials, there will be 
substantial feedline radiation unless something is done to isolate 
the feedline for common-mode current.

You can actually watch the SWR change on a 1/4 wl groundplane 
with four radials as you alter the cable length or grounding, and 
some VHF/UHF antennas actually make controlled use of that 
radiation to add collinear gain!!

There also is considerable radiation from each radial, until you are 
at least 1/2 wl from the radials. Radiation from the radials ONLY 
cancels in the far field, no matter how carefully you balance 
currents in each radial.
73, Tom W8JI