Topband: beverage above water

Roger Parsons
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 04:19:04 +0000 (GMT)

In my experience it makes very little difference what
is under (or around) the beverage. I have 12 beverages
at 30 degree intervals here. The due south/due north
beverages are the same antenna fed at opposite ends so
have a coax running directly under them. All the
others do not. Under normal conditions any given
signal is approximately equal from the 3 antennas
closest to its path. This is true when these include
the south beverage. Under some conditions the signal
can only be heard on one antenna. This is sometimes
the south beverage. (It does not include the north one
as I have yet to hear anything coming from the north!)
Under disturbed conditions (normal this year), signals
are often identical on all 12 antennas, and best on a
low dipole.

73 Roger

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