Topband: too much EZNEC
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 05:28:24 +0100
hello reflectees !
Thanks for the many mails with good input on the issue.
The opinions are about 50/50 in this case. I think that the talk on the bevs is
too theoretical. People are playing too much with EZNEC programs.The assumptions
which are made are highly unlikely.The real world situations cant be altered as
easy as in the programs. Of course we can predict a tendency by defining the
extreme end points of a given formula, but "real life" is never a black or white
question. The question must always be, what is the order of significance for
actual existing cases.
The real world still beats the calculator where the parameters are uncertain and
in addition are floating.
Lets just string more wires and be happy ! 73 de wolf