Topband: 160 metre band plan
WIA Victoria
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 23:33:27 +1100
160 metre band plan
The proposed changes to the 160 metre band plan comply with IARU policy and
are consistent with the new ARRL band plan. They have been canvassed amongst
160m operators and published several months ago in AR magazine.
All comments received have been favourable and there appears to be no
objections from the various WIA Division Technical Advisory Committeess.
If there are no objections, the WIA Federal Technical Advisory Committee
Chairman, John Martin VK3KWA, proposes to make these changes as quickly as
possible, preferably in time for the publishing deadline for the May issue
of AR.
The details are as follows:
1800 - 1810 Digital modes (Note 1)
1810 - 1840 CW DX only (Note X)
1840 - 1875 SSB and AM
Note 1 refers to the existing footnote defining digital modes.
Note X is an additional note as follows:
"Some SSB operation may occur down to 1835 kHz, but only for contacts with
overseas stations which cannot operate above 1840 kHz. It is recommended
that SSB and AM net activity should occur only above 1850 kHz. Operation may
vary from the band plan during times when the operator's location is in full
If any WIA Victoria member wishes to comment on this proposal, please do so
by return email.
WIA Victoria Tel. 9885 9261
40G Victory Boulevard Fax. 9885 9298
Ashburton 3147
Office Hours: Tuesday 10am to 2.30pm
VK3BWI broadcast 1st Sunday at 2000 hours.
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