Topband: XR0X on 160

John Devoldere
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:00:32 -0000

This morning I was in the shack at 04:00 UTC and set the RX to 1826.5, =
while doing some other work on the computer. At 05:40 I heard someone =
briefly tuning, and then "XR0X QRZ" at about an honest S7! I immediately =
called on 1828.2. He called QRZ again, and after a second call came =
right back to me. We exchanged reports. When done, I heard no other =
European calling. He started working USA stations, and 10 minutes later =
(my sunrise) he was all gone.

So, the Europeans do not have to complain he was not there, he was! Were =
you? Of course it would be better if he came a little earlier. Maybe ha =
did, but then I did not hear him any earlier.

Thanks for a new one, guys!

Wished the VP6 would be interested in ALL bands like the XR0X guys.

BTW could anyone inform the VP6 guys that we need darkness for a path on =
80 or 160. I've seen spots at 11:00 z on 80, and that is 5 hours after =
our sunrsie. Our sunrise is about 05:50.  Easy enough path, it just has =
to be done before sunrise (any time after their sunset and before our =
sunrise should do).

73 to all, and good luck.

John, ON4UN

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