Topband: Small lot and small antennas, but you can still work the DX !

Mike Tatum
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 19:53:50 +0000


SNIP ...

>   But due to all the folklore & QRM surrounding
> the mini-Receive antennas for Topband, I am now almost convinced it would be
> easier to just sell out & buy the farm.........Antenna Farm, that is!!!
> 73, Doug / NX4D

Doug, Take a look at my web page, URL below.
I live in a built up area, garden is a mere 30ft x 50ft however I have worked Australia, USA, Brazil,
Argentina, East Siberia and
more on 160m using a small 15m loaded vertical, 400w and a VERY small steerable receive antenna with 25db
Filtered Preamp.

Don't give up, it can be done, just takes more perseverance when in the confines of a small lot,
however it's a lot more satisfying knowing that you worked the DX without having 10KW and a full size
beam on the farm !!


Enjoy ...

MikeT ...
