Topband: Re - Contents of Topband Digest 235 - XR0X
phil.catterall" <
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 22:49:42 -0000
I was on the band on and off this morning from 0400z through to 0615z and
can confirm XR0X was active most, if not all that time for EU and was being
called by 9A/HA east EU (Not sure if any QSOs were completed). I listened
continuously from 0530z onwards when I heard ON and PA working him. I
didn't hear XR0X at all myself until 0552z and he faded out completely with
me in North East England at 0558z. The opening was extremely brief, it was
as though he was turned on at Q5 copy for 5 minutes and then turned off.
There was no in between and there was no time for deep QSB to take effect!
He stayed on the band after that though, and was being called by UK and
French stations to the west of me. At that point which was on my sunrise at
0559z I had lost copy.
Hopefully with almost a week left the openings will be a little longer, but
fairs do's - on Top Band this morning EU had a fair shout, the op at XR0X
was listening hard and coming back with full calls, so whilst there were
gaps between QSOs, when he did come back the QSO was accomplished quickly.
Good Hunting
Phil Catterall G4OBK