Topband: ZL4WA
Brian Campbell
Brian Campbell" <
Sun, 24 Mar 2002 07:12:47 -0500
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Brian Campbell=20
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 6:56 AM
Subject: ZL4WA
Good Morning all
After four years on Topband I finally had an opening to ZL land this =
And this is how it happened in SE Ontario
[ using 1/4 wave inv L at 55', 90 1/4 radials, and 100 watts ]
1010z - On the air
1020z - Hear ZL3REX on 1824 [ 529 sig ] calling HL3IUA [ no copy here ]
1040z- Hear ZL4WA on 1828 [ 529 sig ] with a U.S. pile up
1051z - QSO with ZL4WA [ he is now 569-579 ] - gives me a 549 here
1053z - His sig down to 569
1057z - His sig down to 539
1059z - Sig nose dives in @ 2 sec to 1db above ESP - right at noise =
1102z - In noise=20
1104z - No copy
1111z - Local sunrise here
And so my morning went with # 52 in the log. I'm now hooked for four =
more years.....
73 de Brian VE3SQZ
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