Topband: VP6DI

Jerry & Lori Rosalius
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 09:05:35 -0600

Subject: Topband: VP6DI

> VP6DI hears very very well. He was answering dozens of USA 
> stations last night, but most of the USA he called never replied to 
> him. That must be very frustrating for the DXpedition!
> It appears his transmitting system is not working very well at all, 
> but he sure heard almost everyone. Maybe lack of a good ground 
> connection if it is a resonant Inverted L? Someone might pass that 
> along to him
> 73, Tom W8JI

I thought VP6DI had a decent signal,  The S9
static crashes on my Southwest beverage which
usually has S0 noise was the killer.  After 20
minutes of trying I finally heard my call and 
report.  Thanks to the operator, probably K9AJ,
for his patience.
Good luck to all tonight!

Jerry WB9Z