Topband: ET3PMW Update

Bill Tippett
Tue, 28 May 2002 10:41:02 +0100

Received the following update from Paul:

>Hi Bill,
>Things have been busy here.  I took Dale N3BNA to the airport this morning.
>His time went very fast.  I appreciated his help.  He put up a Radio Works
>Carolina Beam, a 30 meter inverted V and the K9AY receiving loop.
>The contest went better than anticipated.  Dale was able to work the high
>bands pretty well.  Made 14 Q's on 160.  following are the stations worked.
>I was not on 160 Yesterday morning or this morning.  Monday I was
>recuperating from being up till 3 AM working contest and this morning I was
>at the airport with Dale!  Hope to be regular again starting at 0230
>tomorrow.  I was heard 559 by VK6HD at 2245 May 26.  What a pity I didn't
>get his call through the EU QRM!  The first night of the contest conditions
>were quite noisy and signals weak but the second night the Europeans were
>quite strong.