Topband: Thanks, and second part!
Fidel Leon
Sun, 03 Nov 2002 13:49:29 +0100
First of all, thanks to all of you who replied my enquiry about the
portable/beach antenna (I will reply individually anyway!). Yes, this is
the gentlemen's band (not trying to forget any YL operator!).
I have modeled with EZNEC a 80/160 antenna, but I am having bad time trying
to figure out how to match its impedance at 1.835 MHz... The program says
the impedance at that freq would be 9.5-j21.6 ohm (or any other complex
impedance), and, altought having the ARRL antenna handbook, the ARRL
handbook, and even the ON4UN book, I've been unable to find any section
talking about the matching (and I am pretty sure it was there, in one of
these books!!!).
Could anybody enlight me about it? I am having a very good time learning
about antennas, but I am still at elemental school!
Thanks in advance!
Fidel Leon - EA3GIP