Fw: RE: Topband: Propagation tests
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 17:36:09 -0500
QRSS is a technique of using long dot length
and a computer to display CW as Dots N dashes on your
monitor. This weekend the German Weather service at 147 Khz
used 3 second dot length to send signals that were copied well in the US.
At the same time the English were using a test ham band at 73 Khz to send
120 second
dot signals which were copied up and down the east coast. This was with a
of no more than 1 watt ERP. The Lofers using part 15 at 160-190 Khz have
LOFER beacons copied at 1000 miles. This is with a 50 Ft antenna and 1
Watt input ( 10s of
Mw ERP ) ARGO is the most popular program used to copy QRSS and can find
links from the
Lofer Web Page. Think of getting those results with a 50 ft antenna at a
wavelength of
1800 meters . There is perhaps an advantage of 25 + Db over copy by ear.