Topband: QRSS on 160m
by way of Bill Tippett <>
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 05:50:31 -0500
I have been using ARGO for QRSS receive and ON7YD's QRS317 for transmit the
past few weeks. I am able to run QRSS on 160M next week if anyone wants to.
Right now, I have my LOWfer "CO" beacon on about 185.591 KHz running QRSS30
(30 second dots). By request, I can put my 1674.65 KHz MEDfer on the air.
It uses the same small vertical that I used for the QRPp 160M tests in
Septemeber and October. I think that QRSS contacts on 160M, if the mode
becomes popular, which I doubt, should not count as regular CW for awards.
Perhaps it should be counted as a digital contact or have it's own category.
I suggest that QRSS (contacts, NOT beacons) be run on the bottom 5 KHZ of
160M. Perhaps the top 5 KHz of the band would be an even better idea. Since
QRSS stations need only be a few Hz apart for QRSS, many dozens of staions
could run simultaneously in a 5 KHz portion of the band. I think QRSS will be
very popular on our new 136-137 KHz band (this spring?) when we finally are
authorized to use it.
Doug W0AH