Topband: CQWW 160m 2003 Rules Changes

Valeri Stefanov
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 01:42:09 +0200

Hi Toband Contesters,

48 hours contest is better for  us guys in Eastern Europe,but as I have =
been saying many times before until the point system is not changed to =
count for distances covered the rules will not become equal for =

That is why I am not going to do any serious efforts in this one in the =
future.There of course could not be the fully equal rules for everyone, =
but something has to be done anyway. Until then may be some EU guys will =
get some extra points from LZ land and that'll be all from this end.

73's and these were my 2 cents.

Wally LZ2CJ (LZ8T)

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