Topband: Inverted L by the sea
Stephen Reichlyn
Wed, 02 Oct 2002 14:58:01 -0400
Hello, Gents:
I am currently using an inverted L on 160M. The antenna is mounted on the
end of a pier about
150 feet long. The only ground return I use is a length of 2 inch copper
flashing attached to a ground
rod driven into the floor of the ocean. It is fed with an UnUn (50
ohms:12.5 ohms).It works really
well EXCEPT that the resonant frequency rises and falls with the ebb and
flow of the tide. I am
thinking of disconnecting the ground return and putting out two full size
elevated radials over the salt
I'm mainly interested is not destroying what is a really good antenna but
in alleviating
the tidal changes in SWR. Anyone have any ideas about how well (or poorly)
it might work?
Steve AA4V
Isle of Palms, SC
Stephen Reichlyn
Ryan Scientific, Inc.
843-884-4911 ext 302
843-884-5568 (fax)