Topband: Zip cord receive antenna.

w3pt w3pt <>
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 13:05:33

I have no experience with 160 meter antennas other than my B&W folded dipole in an inverted-vee fashion. I am presently gathering the pieces to shunt feed my tower. I was told by a local that there is an antenna I should try for receiving on my small city lot. He described it as 200feet of lamp cord 18ga with a 200 ohm resistor on one end and a 300 ohm to 75 ohm tv balun on the other. Where can I find more information on this?

I will have to run this receive antenna across the tops of a hedge and circle my 70 X 100 foot lot. What is optimal height above ground? Is the length critical? Will I need a preamp?

Bob, W3PT