Topband: W0AH QRPp Part 2: about 3/4 milliwatt on 1817.5
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 19:08:19 EDT

Over 30 stations reported copying the 15 mw W0AH/B to a quarter wave vertical 
the nights of September  18-22 before it went QRT.  Part two of the 
experiment is a much greater challenge. The signal will be about 2 S-units 
weaker this time!   I am running 100 mw to a 12 1/2 foot antenna which is 
less than 1% efficient compared to a perfect radiator.  Thus, the 3/4 mw. A 
local ham reported me about 21 db down from my 1/4 wl vertical, and I'm 
hearing about the same on receive. The transmitter is a two transistor 
"Peanut Whistle II" from Don Stoner's 1964 Transistor Transmitters for the 
Amateur, modified for 160M.  The antenna is the top and bottom sections of a 
Hustler trap vertical minus all the traps, of course.  There is a homebrew 
capacitance hat at 9 1/2 feet made of two director elements from a six meter 
beam at right angles to each other with aluminum ground wire connecting the 
ends of the four "spokes."  The antenna resonates at 9.89 MHz (hmm, maybe the 
30 meter antenna I have been planning to build) and with 16 turns of 14 guage 
copper insulated wire wound around a 2 1/2 gallon bucket, it resonates at 
about 1817.5 where I will be CQing THE FIRST 30 SECONDS of each minute from 
0330 to at least 0400 UTC tonight and from 1200 to 1245 UTC tomorrow morning. 
 If you hear me, please call, and we will exchange signal reports.  Please do 
NOT call during the first 30 seconds of the minute when I am CQing (set your 
time piece to WWV) OR if you do not hear me.  If you can just barely detect 
my signal or choose not to call, I would appreciate an email on what you 
heard.  It's a stretch to think anyone will copy me tonight/tomorrow morning 
with the auroral conditions and high levels of QRN we've been having 
recently, but you never know.  Hope we work tonight/ tomorrow morning!  This 
setup, in a new reincarnation (the antenna will be reduced to 10', reducing 
the ERP a little) will begin life as a 1695 KHz MEDfer becon soon.  In the 
meantime,  I may repeat this experiment several times, hoping for good/quiet 
conditions.  Anyone who hears or works me gets the "good ears award."
Doug W0AH  DM78 central Colorado near Pikes Peak